NSP Submits Report on Arthur Response to UARB

NSP has submitted a 173-page report to the UARB on its response to Post-Tropical Storm Arthur, which hit Nova Scotia on July 5. Some customers were not reconnected until July 12 and Premier MacNeil called on the UARB to conduct an expedited review of NSP's pre- and post-Arthur performance. The report is prepared by a third-party, Davies Consulting and highlights difficulties in forecasting the severity of the winds and the utility's need for permission from owners and municipalities to maintain greater line clearance in powerline right-of-ways. The consultant accepts that NSP followed approved industry practices in its preparing for and responding to Arthur. You can read the consultants' document here. The next step is for the UARB's own consultants and the registered Intervenors to file comments on the report by September 9. NSP will have another chance to respond to comments, by a deadline of September 16. (Review the UARB Timeline for expedited NSP review of Post-Tropical Storm Arthur)



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