Wednesday, 26 April 2017 11:33

Terms of Reference

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MISSION STATEMENT: Our Mission as a Next Gen Committee will be to reach out to our young Members; to educate, to activate and to inspire the leaders of our future. Our goal will be to Power Up our Membership.

MEMBERSHIP: Our membership will have a maximum number of 15. This will include such roles as the Chair, Co Chair, Recorder and Treasurer. This will also include, but not be limited to, one representative from each of the 11 units. Membership will be reviewed every two years.

NOTE: As of March 2017, the official start date of NextGen, the membership consists of 9 members, all from NSPI, covering 3 units. This includes a Chair and a Treasurer. This committee will only accept new members at this point if those members fill the missing seats representing the other 8 units. This will be reviewed again in 2019 unless a need arises before that date.

INITIATIVES AND GOALS:  To be aimed at, but not restricted to, young Members.

  • Educate our Members- We will build an education package that will be given to Stewards to offer to all new Members as well as any Member who is interested.
  • Promote Involvement within our Local and the IBEW as a whole- We will be looking at new and creative ways to get our Members out to Unit meetings. We will be encouraging young Members to become Stewards and active members on the Executive Board while opening the possibilities of becoming International Representatives.
  • Team Building workshops and events- To strengthen the Brotherhood. We will be emphasizing “Strength in Numbers”, as well as the language (Brother and Sister) to create a stronger bond between Members.
  • Host and encourage participation in community events and involvement- This will include volunteering events such as Habitat for Humanity, Hope for Wildlife etc. The aim will be to create a positive image of the IBEW in the public eye. It will also empower our Members through community engagement.
  • Encourage political involvement and education at all levels of Government- We want to encourage IBEW Members to become active members of Government to give us a stronger voice when it comes to Labor Laws and the Labor Movement. We want to offer insight and education around our Municipal, Provincial and Federal Government to help our Members make educated decisions when it comes to voting.

SCHEDULE: The schedule will be set every January for the following year. We will hold bimonthly meetings, taking place in January, March, May, July, September and November. Four of the six meetings will be held via conference call or WebEx and will be approximately two hours in duration. The January and September meetings will be held face to face at various locations throughout our Local and will be spanned over two days, four hours each day, to allow for travel. The yearly schedule will be updated every January on the IBEW Local 1928 website under the NextGen tab.


This document will be reviewed annually at the January meeting to ensure this committee is following all the terms put forth in this document. It will be updated every January on the IBEW Local 1928 website under the NextGen tab.

Read 5512 times Last modified on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 12:12
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