Who we are

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) is an organization of 750,000 men and women just like you, engaged in every type of employment.

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) has been a part of the Canadian labour movement for over 100 years. We organize and represent workersin industries such as manufacturing, telecommunications, voice data video, utilities, construction, maintenance, motor shops, sign shops, CATV, radio and television, sound and alarm systems, railroads, shipyards, pulp and paper mills, mining, tree trimming, health care, clerical, and government employees. There are about 60,000 IBEW members in Canada.

At the local level, IBEW locals establish their own bylaws, general rules and policies in concert with the IBEW constitution. IBEW locals have autonomy in the election of their full-time officers, table officers, and executive boards and in negotiating collective agreements with their members' employers.

Local 1928 holds elections every four years, according to our bylaws (the last election was June 2012). The election determines who serves as Business Manager and who sits on the Executive Board ("e-board"). The e-board consists of four officers (president, treasurer, recording secretary) and nine unit chairs (units are geographical divisions).

The Business Manager is responsible for all of the business of the local. The president and other officers are responsible for Local Union governance as outlined in the IBEW Constitution. The e-board meets quarterly. Each Local unit has officers that mirror the executive board and those officers are elected locally within the unit. The units hold monthly meetings at a regular local location. The Business Manager or his/her appointee attends those meetings quarterly to report on the Local's business.

The Business Manager hires the Local's full-time staff (Assistant Business Manager, office staff) and appoints Shop Stewards for an indefinite term. Shop Stewards receive training from the Local and from the International IBEW office. 



Suite 204
14 McQuade Lake Crescent
Bayers Lake Industrial Park
Beechville NS B3S 1B6

P: 1 800 450 5366
F: 902 450 5080