What You Can Expect

Once you have talked to an Organizer with Local 1928, and you have decided to join IBEW Local 1928, the next step is to sign an IBEW membership card. Your membership card is completely confidential—the only people who see it are you, your signing witness, and the members of the Labour Board. When more than 60% of a specifically identified work group signs cards, IBEW Local 1928 will apply to the Labour Board to have the group certified as a union. No vote is required if a majority workers sign membership cards. If a vote is required, there will be a secret ballot vote. This process too is confidential. No one—neither the union nor your employer—will ever know how you voted. If the vote is successful and a majority of the workers vote in favour of joining the union, IBEW Local 1928 will become your certified bargaining agent.

Here is more information on organizing:

As an IBEW Local 1928 member you will have all the support and resources you need to bargain your first collective agreement and protect your rights in your workplace. You elect your own local union officers. You run your own local union affairs. You have your own negotiating committee. You make the decisions on your own union contract. You have your own shop stewards. You decide important policies and actions of your own union by majority vote. You elect your international union officers. You elect your own delegates to the international conventions. You—the membership—are the final voice of authority and decision in your union.



Suite 204
14 McQuade Lake Crescent
Bayers Lake Industrial Park
Beechville NS B3S 1B6

P: 1 800 450 5366
F: 902 450 5080