Local 1928 Executive Nominations in April

2016 is an election year for IBEW Local 1928 where the membership will decide on the union leaders who will represent them for the next four years. Nominations will be held at the Unit Meetings throughout the month of April (see the calendar on the IBEW Local 1928 website) for the following executive offices: Business Manager, President, Vice-Presdident, Treasurer, Secretary. The elections for these offices will be conducted by mail-in ballot. The ballots will be prepared by the Election Committee and mailed to members in good standing to their last known address in early June for tallying on June 21 and 22. April Unit meetings will also take nominations for your local Unit's executive: Unit Chair, Unit Vice-Chair, Recorder. The election for these offices will take place by secret ballot at your local June Unit meeting.



Suite 204
14 McQuade Lake Crescent
Bayers Lake Industrial Park
Beechville NS B3S 1B6

P: 1 800 450 5366
F: 902 450 5080