A tentative agreement between IBEW Local 1928 negotiating committee and the City of Summerside was ratified 100% by the membership of the bargaining unit in a vote taken on September 18, 2015. The eight-year deal will see annual general increases of 2% a year. 

Tonight's Unit 5 regular meeting (the Business Manager or designate would not be in attendance) has been cancelled due to out-of-province travel of the Acting Unit Chairperson. If another date for the regular Unit 5 September meeting is substituted, the information will be posted on the Local 1928 website when available. Otherwise the next regularly scheduled meeting of Unit 5 is Thursday October 29th (with the Business Manager in attendance). The scheduled meeting of Unit 8 in Mill Village tonight will proceed as usual.

There's lots of activities planned throughout Nova Scotia for Monday September 7, Labour Day. Join your brothers and sisters in celebrating a holiday for workers in a place near you:

On September 7, the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council (HDDLC) invites you to attend their Labour Day March, Rally, Free BBQ Picnic & Community Concert in Halifax. Gather at 10:30am (Victoria Park on Spring Garden) and join the march at 11:00am from Victoria Park to the South Commons. Rally, free BBQ & music concert to follow from 12:00 noon onwards at the South Commons Triangle (for more information, see For info, contact Kyle Buott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The Strait Area Labour Council is having their Labour Day celebration from 2 - 3 pm at the Unifor (formerly CAW) Union Hall, 323 Reeves Street in Port Hawkes-bury. BBQ, face-painting, Music, free food and giveaways. Families welcome! This will be an exciting opportunity to celebrate Labour Day. email President Wilfridine Crowdis at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The Annapolis Valley Labour Council Labour Day Picnic is being held from 

11 am - 2 pm at Memorial Park on Park St. in Kentville. We will have live music, bounce kingdom, dunk tank with prize wheel, face-painting, balloon making, jimmy dogs, chicken and pig roast. If you are in the Valley be sure to join them for their celebration! Questions? Please contact: Annapolis Valley Labour Council Secretary-Treasurer Karen Davenport @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The Yarmouth Labour Day event will be held at Frost Park, Main St. Yarmouth, directly across from the Rodd Grand Hotel from 11 am – 2 pm. There will be a BBQ, speakers, and children's entertainment. For more information, contact: Jim Laverie: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



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14 McQuade Lake Crescent
Bayers Lake Industrial Park
Beechville NS B3S 1B6

P: 1 800 450 5366
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