Ryan H. MacDonald

Ryan H. MacDonald

Thursday, 12 October 2017 11:03

Thanksgiving food drive challenge - Extended!

To all Brothers and Sisters,

The Thanksgiving food drive challenge has been extended to Christmas! From now until December 22, 2017 drop off non perishable food items to your drop boxes to help struggling families.

Original Challenge Information

Thank you for your continued support.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017 15:31

Co-Operators Insurance

Please see the offer below for two complimentary Cineplex movie passes from the Co-Operators Insurance:

Wednesday, 14 June 2017 15:16

NextGen May Minutes

IBEW NextGen Committee Meeting Minutes

May 10th, 2017 Conference Call


Attendees: Kate Mueller                                             Leo Doran

                       Brandon MacInnis                                   Sarah Campbell

                       Brendan MacDonald

Education update: no new update until the June E Board meeting.

Terms of Reference is complete and has been added to the IBEW 1928 website.

Ball tournament update:

  • Letter for sponsors is ready and we have an item from Harris and Roome for auction as well as a box of swag from the International. NSP TUC and POA have donated $200 each. If anyone requires a letter let Kate know.
  • Ellen at the office has created an account for the money we raise.
  • Alain is working on a shuttle bus to transport people to and from the field.
  • Still need a trophy.
  • Have a quote for tents. Inquiring at TUC to borrow tables and BBQs.
  • Leaving individuals to book their own rooms but suggesting the Best Western as they are unionized
  • Reminder to motion at Unit meetings for funding

Local 1928 NextGen was in the April edition of the NextGen newsletter. Sarah Campbell sent it out to members. We will work on getting members of this committee on the mail list.

Ryan MacDonald has added a NextGen tab to the 1928 website. Action: Ryan MacDonald our meeting minutes need to be added. Kate will also email a Cooperators Insurance communication that needs to be added as well.


Kate Walsh is attending our September meeting.

IBEW Code of Excellence: Jim Sponagle has asked NextGen to work on an initiative to build a Code of Excellence presentation to roll out to NSP. This will be added to our September agenda to discuss.

Mike Perry has shared our NextGen poster and our ball tournament poster with Unit 9. Still no interest from them or from PEI members.

Unit meeting attendance:

  • Considered changing meeting times to better accommodate members.
  • Discussed leaving this initiative for now. Hoping meeting attendance will increase as we work harder to get people more active and involved.
  • Consider making meeting attendance mandatory for Apprentices- suggestion 6 per year.
Wednesday, 14 June 2017 15:11

Nextgen March Minutes

IBEW 1928 NextGen

Meeting Actions

Education Initiative: There is a booklet which was put together by Local 37 which we are going to adapt to fit 1928. It outlines the history and organizational structure of the IBEW. Brother Leo Doran is going to take the lead on this. He is going to take it to the E Board for approval and then work on sending it to the printers. We are looking at having this in Members hands by September, if not earlier.

Terms of Reference: Sister Kate Mueller is going to put together the Terms of Reference and send it out to members. This will be done by April 9th.

First Annual IBEW 1928 NextGen Soft Ball Tourney: This is part of the team building initiative as well to introduce and promote NextGen. This is taking place on August 26th and27th, 2017 at the Truro Stadium One and Stadium Two ball fields. There are several actions involved with this.

  1. Kate will talk to some popular suppliers and reps for possible donations. Kate will talk to Lisa about obtaining a trophy. Kate will talk to Jimmy about including other LUs.
  2. Brother Alain Melanson will look at getting a bus scheduled for sober drives.
  3. Brother Luke Quase will try to get donations from liquor reps. Luke will put together a communication.
  4. Brother Brandon MacInnis scheduled the field and is looking at getting deals on rooms at the Best Western.

Communication to introduce ourselves: Sister Sarah Campbell is going to work with Brother Alain Melanson on putting together a communication to submit to the NextGen newsletter.

NextGen involvement in LU 1928’s website: Brother Ryan MacDonald is going to work with Lisa Dobson on keeping our website update and possibly adding a NextGen section. The NextGen section would include the communication which Sarah is going to write up as an introduction. It will also include our Terms of Reference, our schedule for the year ahead and whatever communication we will be looking at sharing (i.e. the ball tourney, initiatives that are underway).

RENEW conference: Brothers Alain Melanson and Leo Doran were chosen to represent 1928 NextGen at the RENEW Conference in September. Congrats guys!! We look forward to hearing all about it!

2017 NextGen schedule: Our scheduled for the year of 2017 is as follows:

March 25th and 26th- face to face meeting

May 10th at 7pm- conference call

July 10th at 7pm- conference call

August 26th and 27th- First Annual IBEW 1928 NextGen Soft Ball Tourney

September 14th and 15th- Face to face meeting

September 21st- 23rd- RENEW Conference Pittsburgh

November 7th at 7pm- conference call

Kate will look at getting Sister Kate Walsh, the First District NextGen Rep to attend our September meeting. She will also look at getting Matt Andrea, the NextGen Chair for LU 625, to attend our September meeting.

The main item on the agenda for our May conference call will be moving the time of our Unit meetings, and other creative ways to get more attendance at these meetings.

Things to Do to stay active:

  1. Get involved in NAOSH by doing Union related 7 minute for safety presentations. Use the Code of Excellence video off IBEWCanada.org.
  2. Go to your Unit meetings and bring at least one other Member with you.
  3. Talk to the Members in your area about ways to get more attendance at the Unit meetings.
  4. Talk Union in a positive, encouraging way. Use the language, call each other Brother and Sister.
  5. Get people pumped for the ball tourney!
  6. Communicate with the member of this group on all our activities and actions. Ask for and offer help.
Wednesday, 14 June 2017 15:04

NextGen Meeting Minutes

2017 Meetings



Wednesday, 26 April 2017 11:43


IBEW local 1928 is proud to announce the launch of its first NextGen committee. The goals of this committee will be to increase involvement in the union through inovative team building events and various educational means. We will get people involved not only with our committee and the union itself but want to encourage people to get involved in their communities. We are also excited to announce the first IBEW local 1928 NextGen ball tournament which will take place in Truro on August 26 & 27. For more information on this committee or how to get involved, feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017 11:33

Terms of Reference



MISSION STATEMENT: Our Mission as a Next Gen Committee will be to reach out to our young Members; to educate, to activate and to inspire the leaders of our future. Our goal will be to Power Up our Membership.

MEMBERSHIP: Our membership will have a maximum number of 15. This will include such roles as the Chair, Co Chair, Recorder and Treasurer. This will also include, but not be limited to, one representative from each of the 11 units. Membership will be reviewed every two years.

NOTE: As of March 2017, the official start date of NextGen, the membership consists of 9 members, all from NSPI, covering 3 units. This includes a Chair and a Treasurer. This committee will only accept new members at this point if those members fill the missing seats representing the other 8 units. This will be reviewed again in 2019 unless a need arises before that date.

INITIATIVES AND GOALS:  To be aimed at, but not restricted to, young Members.

  • Educate our Members- We will build an education package that will be given to Stewards to offer to all new Members as well as any Member who is interested.
  • Promote Involvement within our Local and the IBEW as a whole- We will be looking at new and creative ways to get our Members out to Unit meetings. We will be encouraging young Members to become Stewards and active members on the Executive Board while opening the possibilities of becoming International Representatives.
  • Team Building workshops and events- To strengthen the Brotherhood. We will be emphasizing “Strength in Numbers”, as well as the language (Brother and Sister) to create a stronger bond between Members.
  • Host and encourage participation in community events and involvement- This will include volunteering events such as Habitat for Humanity, Hope for Wildlife etc. The aim will be to create a positive image of the IBEW in the public eye. It will also empower our Members through community engagement.
  • Encourage political involvement and education at all levels of Government- We want to encourage IBEW Members to become active members of Government to give us a stronger voice when it comes to Labor Laws and the Labor Movement. We want to offer insight and education around our Municipal, Provincial and Federal Government to help our Members make educated decisions when it comes to voting.

SCHEDULE: The schedule will be set every January for the following year. We will hold bimonthly meetings, taking place in January, March, May, July, September and November. Four of the six meetings will be held via conference call or WebEx and will be approximately two hours in duration. The January and September meetings will be held face to face at various locations throughout our Local and will be spanned over two days, four hours each day, to allow for travel. The yearly schedule will be updated every January on the IBEW Local 1928 website under the NextGen tab.


This document will be reviewed annually at the January meeting to ensure this committee is following all the terms put forth in this document. It will be updated every January on the IBEW Local 1928 website under the NextGen tab.



Suite 204
14 McQuade Lake Crescent
Bayers Lake Industrial Park
Beechville NS B3S 1B6

P: 1 800 450 5366
F: 902 450 5080