Just Transition

September 22, 2022

TO IBEW FIRST DISTRICT LOCAL UNIONS 37, 254, 424, 502, 529, 530, 1007, 1928, 2038, 2067, and 2330

The IBEW has been working on the Just Transition file extensively and we continue to be active on this file. We have also been working with other labour unions and in meetings with the Federal Government over the path forward, including upcoming legislation. In order for policy makers and the labour movement to gain a better perspective, we are partnering with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) on a project called "Determining the Optimal Policies for the Just Transition Initiative".
The particular target of this study is a niche one and as such, in order to execute this research, the CLC has hired Callosum Marketing. Callosum will require a database of contacts (members) to reach out to. For this reason, we, along with the CLC, would greatly appreciate you sharing a database of your members who work in the coal generation and in the oil and gas sectors.
Within this database, Callosum will require only the first name of the member and a means of communication, ideally their phone number and an email that they can be reached at. Callosum has indicated that an Excel File would be the best format to use.
Attached you will find the entire project scope as well as Callosum's privacy policy. The members information will NOT be shared with the CLC or sold to a third party. It will be destroyed following the completion of the project in accordance with their privacy policy.

Each member who is accepted by Callosum and who chooses to be part of the study will be compensated financially by Callosum directly ($150.00 for a 60-minute interview or $200.00 for a 120-minute focus group). Those who complete an online survey will be entered into a draw for a prize of $500.00. Callosum would like to begin reaching out to prospective participants during the week of the 3rd of October. As such, if you could provide your database a week prior, during the week of the 26th of September, it would be greatly appreciated.

Please forward the requested data to:
Tom Rigby
Founding Partner, Callosum Marketing
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have any questions or require any other information, contact the First District office or Tom Rigby, who is the founding partner at Callosum (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


In solidarity,
Russ Shewchuk
International Vice President
cc: International Representatives

Callosum Marketing Inc.
One King Street West, #4811
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 1A1
Project Scope:
Determing the Optimal Policies
for the Just Transition Initiative.
September 11th, 2022
Callosum Marketing Inc.
One King Street West, #4811
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 1A1

Callosum Marketing Inc. has been hired by the CLC to conduct research among workers in the energy and oil & gas industries. The purpose of this research is to better understand workers' perceptions of the "Just Transition" initiative and to identify which of the CLC's proposed policy ideas would most motivate them to make a career change.

The particular target of this study is a niche one and as such, in order to execute this research, we will require a database of contacts to reach out to. For this reason, we, along with the CLC, would greatly appreciate you sharing a database of your members who work in the sectors identified together with the CLC.
Within this database, we require only the first name of the member and a means of communication, ideally their phone number and an email that they can be reached at.
Once we have this information, we will contact them to invite them to take part in the study.
After the study is completed, all databases provided will be erased from our server. No data or information will be retained in the long-term.
Each member who accepts to be part of the study will be compensated financially by us directly ($150 for a 60-minute interview or $200 for a 120-minute focus group). Those who complete an online survey will be entered into a draw for a prize of $500.
The database can be sent to Callosum directly by whichever means you prefer. It does not need to be provided to the CLC if you prefer to only share it with us.

We are currently preparing the research materials and would like to begin reaching out to prospective participants during the week of the 3rd of October. As such, if you could provide your database a week prior, during the week of the 26th of September, it would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions or require any other information, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Thomas Rigby (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Founding Partner, Callosum Marketing Inc.
Callosum Marketing Inc.
6750 Avenue de L'Esplanade, #310
Montreal (Quebec)
H2V 4M1
Privacy Policy
Callosum Marketing Inc.

Callosum Marketing Inc. is committed to respecting the standards of the MRIA (Marketing Research and Intelligence Association) regarding the protection of personal information and privacy.
This privacy policy describes the information that we may collect in our research studies, how we may use it, how we safeguard it, who we may share it with over the course of our studies, and how long we store it for.
Personal Information
Within the context of our studies, we may collect and store personal information about the study's participants, including the individuals' first names, last names, phone numbers, email addresses, and potentially their home addresses. The detail of information depends on the nature of the study. We do not collect any financial information or financial records from participants.
In our studies, we may collect opinions about the topic at hand, psychographic profiling information like attitudes and personality traits, and demographic profiling information like age, gender, employment status, income range, ethnic background, family structure, and preferred language.
The personal information collected comes via the survey panels that we employ to help execute our quantitative studies, the recruiting firms that help execute our qualitative studies or some combination of these two sources.
In certain cases, the population of participants to include in our research studies, and their corresponding personal information, may also be received from our clients directly for the purposes of conducting studies on their behalf among these populations. Where this is the case, we require the client to confirm that it has received the consent of all affected individuals to use their personal information for the purposes for which our client has retained our services. If our client has not received explicit consent from these affected individuals, we encourage our client to send out an initial consent request and then we only contact individuals who provide their expressed consent to this request.
Personal Information: Qualitative Studies
In qualitative studies, the sessions are typically conducted via virtual communication platforms like Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Moderators lead the discussion with the participants, and it is typically requested that the participant have and use a web camera. This is to mimic an in-person interview and to enhance rapport between moderator and participant. If a focus group is conducted, along with the moderator, one or more participants may be present and able to see the visual likeness of each other.
These qualitative sessions are recorded and as such, we retain the visual likeness of the participants along with the other personal information obtained. The recordings may be shared with our clients who wish to observe the sessions. The video footage is never released in any public way, nor would it ever be used in the context of advertisements without the expressed written consent of the participant.
Using Personal Information
The information that we collect, or that is received directly from our clients, may be leveraged to determine if a certain candidate is suitable for a study, to invite them to take part in a quantitative survey, to invite them to take part in a qualitative study, and in the context of the study itself, to determine their attitudes and opinions about the subject at hand.
Where an incentive is provided, we will also use their personal information to send the incentive to their home address or to the email address they provided in the context of a virtual transfer of funds.
Safeguarding Personal Information
We take reasonable measures to ensure the personal information we collect is kept safe from loss or theft, unauthorized access, copying, disclosure or modification.
These safeguards include physical databases that are locked in an enclosed room in a locked office, and password protected electronic databases that limit access to employees of Callosum Marketing Inc. who need access to the personal information to perform their duties. We strive to prevent electronic intrusion by using firewall technology and, where we consider it necessary, password protection.
Sharing Personal Information
The personal information collected in our studies may be shared among Callosum Marketing Inc. employees and third-party service providers who we hire to help us execute our studies. These third-party providers only have access to the personal information that is needed to perform their services and may not use it for any other purposes or for any other studies.
In the context of a quantitative study, these third-party providers may include the programmers and data processors we use to produce email survey links.
In the context of a qualitative study, these third-party providers may include employees of recruiting firms that we use to invite and screen participants for the study.
Retaining Personal Information
We retain personal information, and video footage if obtained, for as long as is required to carry out our professional duties. The length of time for we retain information varies depending on the purpose and the nature of the information. When the personal information is no longer required for our studies, the information is either physically destroyed or deleted as appropriate.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our privacy practices, we may be contacted at
Callosum Marketing Inc.
6750 Ave de L'Esplanade, #310
Montreal, Quebec H2V 4M1
Phone: 514-507-1807
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Suite 204
14 McQuade Lake Crescent
Bayers Lake Industrial Park
Beechville NS B3S 1B6

P: 1 800 450 5366
F: 902 450 5080