Nova Scotia Federation of Labour
The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour is seeking nominations from affiliates, local unions and labour councils for the TRADE UNIONIST OF THE YEAR AWARD for 2022.This award is to acknowledge and celebrate individuals who have made a significant and/or ongoing contribution to the labour movement.
Please submit your nomination in writing explaining why the nominee is eligible based on the criteria below. Please include all of the nominee’s contact information. All nominations must be made in writing and received at the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour office by February 1, 2022.
The nominee must be an individual (can be a member or staff of an affiliated union) who has not previously received this award and who:
-Is committed to furthering diversity and inclusion in the workplace and promoting social justice
-Is a leader in advancing and advocating issues of the labour movement.
-Is passionate about breaking down barriers with and/or legislative reforms, creating actions/activities and efforts on building and mobilization members, organizing campaigns, and has notable leadership and years of service in the movement.
Nomination Process
-Click HERE for the application form
-Please send the name and affiliation of the individual you wish to nominate to the NSFL
c/o Joan Wark at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail to address below by February 1, 2022.
-Please describe how the nominee’s leadership and activism has positively impacted the labour movement and/or community allies.
-The selection of an individual for this award is based on exceptional achievement and union/community activism as outlined and any other work that has had a positive impact on the trade union movement.
3700 Kempt Rd., Suite 225, Halifax, N.S., B3K 4X8
Phone 902.454.6735 fax 902.454.7671 email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. web page www.nslabour.ca
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In light of the recent outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the January 2022 Unit Meetings have been cancelled.
Stay Safe!
Please click HERE for more information.
Sisters and Brothers:
Last year when I wrote my holiday wishes I talked about 2020 being a year like no other; we were in the throes of the COVID 19 pandemic with many areas of our country either shut down or headed in that direction. While 2020 did offer some promise with the role out of vaccines and the level of comfort they offered, as a result we did see things open up and life appeared to be headed back to some semblance of normal. Well folks, sadly it appears as we approach this year’s holidays we are once again faced with new challenges.
The latest mutation, the Omicron strain, which appears to be the most contagious strain to date, is ravaging our country and once again leading to shutdowns. Restrictions are again being imposed, many community and sporting events are once again being cancelled, family gatherings are suggested to be limited in size, and travel is being limited and advised against. Even with the challenges we face again at this time of year, it is important that we take the opportunity the holiday season provides to get some much-needed rest and spend time with our families the best we can, and as safely as we can.
One serious side effect of the pandemic, and it continues to worsen as time goes on, is Mental health issues that have risen to crisis levels across Canada and the world. The additional stress that the uncertainty of these times causes, the financial strain many have experienced, and the isolation that has brought many people to their breaking point. So please if you need help, seek it! If you know of someone who may be struggling, please reach out, a simple phone call can go a long way.
Last year I said I could not be prouder of how all of you have stepped up, met the challenges, and showed the world exactly what the IBEW is about, and this year is no different. I want to thank you all for what you do and your loyalty to the IBEW.
On behalf of myself and the entire IBEW First District staff, I wish you all the best for the 2021 holiday season, and again look forward to improved conditions for 2022. Please enjoy your holidays and please stay safe. I look forward to working with you and your continued support and hard work in 2022.
In solidarity,
Tom Reid
International Vice President, First District (Canada)
IBEW, First District
300-1450 Meyerside Drive
Mississauga, ON L5T 2N5
Ph: (905) 564-5441
Fax: (905) 564-8114
Website: www.ibewcanada.ca
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
There were some 2021 Calendar books mixed in with the 2022 order we've received by the supplier. Please call the union office and provide your name so we can send out the 2022 calendar book in the new year.
Thank you and be safe!